Accueil > Actualités > Programmes des manifestations > Les femmes de la famille Médicis comme médiatrices culturelles (1533-1743).
Medici Women as Cultural Mediators (1533-1743).
Les femmes de la famille Médicis comme médiatrices culturelles (1533-1743).
International conference, 15 -17 October 2008, Florence (Villa I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies and Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut).
mardi 16 septembre 2008, par
The establishment and preservation of the Medici principate was linked to
an international marriage policy through which the rulers of Tuscany strove
to win powerful allies and to promote their dynastic ambitions.
This conference explores the patronage of women who became involved in such
marriage strategies and who were consequently in a position to act as
cultural (and sometimes also political) mediators between two European
courts. The chosen timeframe encompasses the two centuries of the Medici
principate between the wedding of Caterina de Medici (1533) and the death
of Anna Maria Luisa de Medici (1743). Protagonists of the conference are
the French queens Caterina and Maria de Medici, the Grand Duchesses
Eleonora di Toledo, Giovanna d’Austria, Cristina di Lorena, Maria Maddalena
d’Austria and Vittoria della Rovere, the Archduchess Claudia de’ Medici,
the Princess Violante Beatrice di Baviera and the Electress Palatine Anna
Maria Luisa de Medici. The papers will examine the role of women from the
Medici family at other courts as well as the cultural initiatives of the
"foreign" women who became Grand Duchesses of Florence.
This conference, which is co-sponsored by Villa I Tatti - The Harvard
University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies and the Kunsthistorisches
Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut, is the last in a series of three
events within the framework of the collaborative research project MEFISTO
(Medici-Frauen Interdisziplinär : Soziale Rollen, kultureller Transfer,
maezenatisches OEuvre). MEFISTO was initiated in 2004, hosted by the
Bibliotheca Hertziana and made possible through the generous support of the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (see
Contact : Dr. Christina Strunck (
Wednesday 15 October 2008 - Villa I Tatti
Joseph Connors : Director’s Welcome
Christina Strunck (Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für
Kunstgeschichte) : Introduction
Session I - Caterina de’ Medici, Queen of France (1519-1589), Chair : Joseph
Connors (Villa I Tatti)
Sheila ffolliott (George Mason University) : Why Consider Caterina de’
Medici French or Medici ?
Luisa Capodieci (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : "Magnificentissimum
spectaculum" : Caterina de Medici e le feste parigine del 1573
Henri Zerner (Harvard University) : Caterina de’ Medici and the
French-Italian Cultural Exchange
Thursday 16 October 2008 - Villa I Tatti
Session II - Grand Duchesses Eleonora di Toledo (1522-1562) and Giovanna
d’Austria (1547-1578)
Chair : Bruce Edelstein (New York University)
Jutta Götzmann (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) : Cultural
Transfer between Florence and Naples ? Sculptures Commissioned by Eleonora
di Toledo
Lisa Kaborycha (The Medici Archive Project, Florence) : The Patronage of
Grand Duchess Giovanna d Austria : Expressing a Habsburg Sensibility in the
Medici Court
Session III - Grand Duchess Cristina di Lorena (1565-1636), Chair :
Massimiliano Rossi (Università degli Studi di Lecce)
Christina Strunck (Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für
Kunstgeschichte) : How Chrestienne became Cristina. Political and Cultural
Encounters between Tuscany and Lorraine
Suzanne B. Butters (University of Manchester) : International Localisms :
Cristina di Lorena and Cultural Exchanges in the Countryside
Session IV - Maria de’ Medici, Queen of France (1575-1642), Chair : Sara
Mamone (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Maria Fubini Leuzzi (Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Toscana) : Maria
dei Medici. La costruzione di una regina : dall infanzia al matrimonio
Jean-François Dubost (Université de Paris XII) : Lo scambio di regali fra le
corti di Parigi e Firenze all’epoca di Maria de’ Medici
Elisabeth Oy-Marra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) : Maria de Medici
collezionista : Il ruolo di Bernardino Spada e gli scambi della regina con
la Roma papale
Sara Galletti (Duke University) : The Paris of Maria de’ Medici :
Architecture and Urban Planning
Friday 17 October 2008 - Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz -
Alessandro Nova : Director’s Welcome
Session V- Grand Duchess Maria Maddalena d’Austria (1589-1631)
Chair : Serena Padovani (Galleria Palatina)
Ilaria Hoppe (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) : Una nuova S. Elena : Maria
Maddalena d’ Austria ed il culto della Santa Croce
Alice Sanger (University College London) : Medici Women’s Pilgrimages to
Loreto : Piety, Patronage and Cultural Exchange
Iain Fenlon (King’s College, Cambridge) : Medici Women and Courtly Spectacle
Lisa Goldenberg Stoppato : « Ritratti fatti per mano del Bronzino, pittore di
singulare eccellenza e fama » : Medici Women and Court Portraits by
Cristofano Allori as Gifts
Session VI - Cultural Exchange in the Era of the High Baroque, Chair : Elena
Fumagalli (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Sabine Weiss (Universität Innsbruck) : Kulturtransfer Florenz - Innsbruck -
Wien unter Claudia und Anna de Medici
Eike Schmidt (J. Paul Getty Museum) : Vittoria della Rovere and the Ties
between Florence and Urbino
Giulia Calvi (European University Institute) : Violante Beatrice di Baviera
in Toscana
Ulrike Ilg (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz) : Anna Maria Luisa de’
Medici e la corte di Düsseldorf
Marcello Fantoni (Università degli Studi di Teramo) : Concluding Remarks
Venue :
15 -16 October 2008 :
Villa I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance
Studies, Via di Vincigliata 26, 50135 Florenz, Italien
17 October 2008 :
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut, Konferenzsaal
/ Sala conferenze, Via Giuseppe Giusti 38, 50121 Florenz, Italien
More information : and
Astrid Müller
Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/ Pubbliche Relazioni, Kunsthistorisches Institut in
Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut Via Giuseppe Giusti 44 - 50121 Firenze,
Italia Tel. +39 055-2491 190, Fax +39 055-244 394
e-mail :
Illustration : Bronzino, Éléonore de Tolède et son fils, détail, 1545 (source : Wikimedia Commons).
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