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European Courts in a Globalized World 1400-1700

Deadline : Mar 25, 2013

dimanche 17 février 2013, par Guillaume Berthon

Lisbon, November 7 - 08, 2013
Deadline : Mar 25, 2013

The call for papers for the PALATIUM conference "European Courts in a
Globalized World 1400-1700" in Lisbon (Portugal), 7-8 November 2013,
is now available. Abstracts are invited by 25 March 2013. Young
scholars who want to participate in this event are encouraged to apply
for a travel grant.

In the Early Modern age, Europe’s contact with the external,
non-European world changed dramatically in scope. Change was brought
about by Europe’s own expansion beyond its frontiers into Africa, Asia
and America. The growth of the Ottoman Empire also put pressure on
Europe’s eastern frontiers while at the same time providing
opportunities for political and economic alliances to be forged and
for cultural and artistic exchange to take place. European courts were
central agents in this process and changed subsequently. In contact
with previously unknown political realities, European courts were
provided with terms of comparison, some as splendid as the Mughal or
Chinese imperial courts, some as exotic as the Maya and Aztec empires.
New works of art, from African ivories to Japanese folding-screens,
from Chinese porcelain to pre-Columbian artifacts, were introduced
into the European markets, changing patrons’ tastes, acquisition
patterns and dynastic gift practices. Worldwide networks of commercial
agents were set up, diplomatic missions were sent and received bearing
gifts and information, new collections were assembled, and new
architectural spaces to display them were devised. Exotic objects and
themes which mirror Europe’s worldwide possessions and a patron’s
command of the new knowledge of the world became a mandatory part of
courtly artistic discourse through their introduction in palace
decoration, including gardens where menageries where set up, and in
court ceremonies and festivities.

This colloquium is designed to reflect upon the effects of these
changes on court life and the spaces in which it took place. It will
allow for various European imperial experiences to be brought together
and compared, thus setting up the ground for these to be understood in
a coherent, all-encompassing narrative, rather than in a
nationally-fragmented set of disparate studies.

Papers will be organized around the following four topics :
 The Empire in Court Ceremonies
 Architectural Spaces to Display the Empire
 Non-European Objects in Palace Decoration
 European Courts Outside of Europe

For more information see :

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