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The Culture of Translation in Early Modern England and France (1500-1660).

St John’s College, University of Oxford (27th-28th November 2009).

Sunday 19 April 2009, by Guillaume Berthon

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Proposals for papers are invited for a two-day colloquium on translation in early modern France and England, to be held at St John’s College, Oxford, on 27th-28th November 2009.

The conference will seek to examine translation in France and England during the period 1500-1660 from a variety of perspectives and in a comparative light. It aims to consider the motives and theories behind translation during this period; its methods and methodologies; its practices, contexts, and modes of circulation; its intersection with other discourses, literary and non-literary; and, finally, our own reasons for looking at translation during this period, our methodologies, and what we can gain from considering the cultures of translation in England and France alongside each other. There will be papers on translation across and in each of the two countries, from Greek and Latin, and from vernacular to vernacular. The colloquium will emphasize dialogue across the two disciplines, with respondents to each panel and a round table discussion at the end of each day.

Proposals for papers of approximately 20 minutes from any discipline are invited. Papers can deal with any aspect of the topic, though comparative approaches are particularly welcome. We would especially like to encourage papers from graduate students.

Please send proposals, composed of your title, academic affiliation, and 300 word abstract, to Tania Demetriou and Rowan Tomlinson at the conference email address: cultureoftranslation@googlemail.com by 15th July 2009.

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