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Conférence annuelle de la Sixteenth Century Society (du 28 au 30 mai 2009 àGenève).

Appel àcommunication expirant le 7 novembre 2008.

mardi 2 septembre 2008, par Blandine Perona

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC) is now accepting
proposals for individual papers and complete sessions for its annual
conference, to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Geneva (Switzerland)
from 28-30 May 2009. The SCSC is an interdisciplinary scholarly
society that is interested in the early modern era (ca. 1450-1660),
and its geographical scope is broadly defined. We also welcome
roundtable proposals sponsored by scholarly societies that are
affiliated with the SCSC.

The 2009 SCSC conference is timed to coincide with the 500th
Anniversary of John Calvin’s birthday and marks a departure from the
Society’s usual conference timetable. Although the SCSC prefers papers
in English, proposals for presentations in French, German, or Italian
will also be considered. Proposals will be accepted until 7 November
2008. The program committee plans on notifying potential participants
within two weeks of the proposal deadline.

The conference will take place immediately following the conference
« Calvin and his Influence, 1509-2009 » sponsored by University of
Geneva’s Institut d’histoire de la Réformation and the Faculté
autonome de théologie protestante, enabling those who wish to attend
both events to do so with a single voyage.

Beginning August 1, 2008 proposals with abstracts (up to 200 words in
length) for papers and complete sessions for the SCSC meeting should
be submitted on-line at :

For more information contact :

Jeffrey R. Watt
SCSC 2009 Program Chair
Department of History
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677

The Society for Reformation Research (SRR ; see our website at ) is now accepting proposals for individual
papers and complete sessions for its joint sessions with the Sixteenth
Century Studies Conference (SCSC), to be held May 28-30, 2009 in Geneva,
Switzerland (the full SCSC Call for papers is found below). We seek
papers for a general theme as well as a number of panels (described
below). In line with our mission to support instruction of Reformation
history and Reformation themes in other courses, we also solicit papers
with a primary focus on teaching (see below).

The SRR, a North-American scholarly organization and partner group to
the Verein fuer Reformationgeschichte, is concerned with the Protestant
and Catholic Reformations and all other aspects of religious life in the
early modern era. The SRR is also very interested in joint sponsorships
with groups and institutions in the U.S. and abroad.

If you would like to submit a paper or session for sponsorship by the
SRR, please contact Susan Boettcher by email only : . Please contact me well ahead of the
conference deadline of November 7, 2009, if you are interested in
participating. Your message will receive prompt attention. Papers should
not have been previously presented at any other scholarly meeting nor
have been published.


For the SCSC meeting that marks the 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth,
the SRR is particular interested in sponsoring papers that deal with the
questions of how the religious transformations of the sixteenth century
were processed by contemporaries and held in memory by subsequent
generations. We are interested in these themes in the widest possible
sense, as reflected in history, theology, literature, art, and other
media and disciplinary fields. Papers might deal with histories,
historical narratives, city chronicles, or ego documents concerning
experiences during or memories the Reformation ; they might treat the
creation of a Reformation memoria or shifts in trends of late medieval
memoria such as gravestones or other epitaphs ; they could discuss
attempts by individuals or groups to mobilize the personal or historical
memory of the Reformation ; and we would be particularly interested in
hearing papers relating to responses to the memory of the Reformation by
non-evangelicals, as in the creating of an anti-memory of the
Reformation. Cross-national or cross-confessional comparisons are
especially welcome.

— Individual Panels : These are panels separate from the main theme, some
of which are being organized by members of the SRR.

a. Papers are sought for a session on the historical reception of
Calvin’s theology outside of Geneva.

b. Papers are sought for a session on the self-perception of Reformed
refugees in relationship to "international Calvinism."

c. Papers are sought for a session on techniques for teaching Calvin’s

d. Papers are sought for a session on teaching about Calvinism from
sources by authors other than Calvin. In particular, we would like to
hear about new or infrequently used sources that are accessible to
students and provide different perspectives on either Calvin or the
Reformed tradition than the usual sources collections.

Message (en français) de J.-C. Carron

La réunion annuelle de la Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC) coïncidera avec le 500e anniversaire de la naissance de Jean Calvin et se tiendra àGenève les 28, 29, et 30 mai 1009. Interdisciplinaire, la SCSC est intéressée àtous les aspects académiques de la période dite pré-moderne, entre 1450 et 1660 (voir

En tant que responsable de la section Littérature française, j’aimerais vous inviter àsoumettre des propositions de conférences individuelles ou de sessions communes. Les sujets ne portant pas sur Calvin sont toujours les bienvenus, mais il va de soi que l’on encourage des projets en rapport avec la Réforme. Dans cette perspective, conférences ou sessions peuvent porter sur tous les aspects des relations entre la littérature et Réforme : auteurs individuels (Calvin, Théodore de Bèze, Guillaume Farel, Pierre Viret, Agrippa d’Aubigné, Ramus, Du Bartas, Chassignet, Sponde, etc.) ; littérature et inspiration biblique ; Å“uvres individuelles (†L’institution de la religion chrétienne†, “Abraham sacrifiant†, “Les Tragiques†, “La Sepmaine†, etc.) ; tentation de la réforme (Marot, Rabelais, Navarre, Montaigne) ; voix féminines (Marguerite de Navarre, Marie Dentière, Jeanne de Jussie, Marguerite de France, etc.) ; querelles (les “Discours†de Ronsard et les “Predicans†genevois, “La Satyre Ménippée†, etc.) ; éthique et esthétique des genres (prose, poésie, théâtre, méditations, pamphlets, satire, dialogues, histoires, mémoires, etc.) ; question des langues vulgaires (la traduction de la bible et des psaumes) ; question littéraire sous ses angles (les pouvoirs politique ou religieux, les avancées de l’absolutisme, la répression religieuse, l’exil, les guerres de religions) ; personnalités majeures, (les Guise, Catherine de Medici, Michel de l’Hospital, Jeanne d’Albret, Coligny) ; Nouveau Monde (Jean de Léry) ; institutions (la Sorbonne, le Parlement) ; événements particuliers (l’Affaire des Placards, la Conjuration d’Amboise, la St-Barthélémy) ; réaction catholique (Concile de Trente, Ligue, Contre-réformation) ; efforts de réconciliation (pacification, concorde, tolérance, Edit de Nantes), et ainsi de suite.

La société accepte que l’on organise des sessions dans des langues autres que l’anglais et le français est bienvenu. Les propositions, incluant un résumé de 200 mots, sont dues le 7 Novembre 2008. Elles peuvent être soumises en ligne àcette adresse : Le comité d’organisation avertira les participants dans les quinze jours suivant cette date.

Je vous rappelle que, dans l’esprit des réunions annuelles des sociétés académiques américaines, aucun aspect financier de la participation n’est pris en charge par les organisateurs (ni voyage, ni logement, ni repas) et que les participants devront payer des frais d’inscription (environs $150.-) incluant la cotisation àla Société…


Jean-Claude Carron


Pour des informations supplémentaires :

Jeffrey R. Watt

SCSC 2009 Program Chair

Department of History

University of Mississippi

University, MS 38677


Jean-Claude Carron

Department of French ad Francophone Studies

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90095


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